
Green Key Director Finn Bolding Thomsen interviewed for Eventplanner TV

The episode with an interview with Green Key International Director Finn Bolding Thomsen has aired today, on 13 November.

                                                                 Click on the image …

                                                                 Click on the image to play the full interview.

In August this year, Green Key and Eventplanner partnered up in order to promote sustainable event venues all over the world. Green practices, like reducing the environmental footprint of conferences, trade fairs and other events, are becoming increasingly important in the event industry, highlighting the importance and possibilities of the partnership.

Event venues can obtain the Green Key award by complying with easily understandable but strict criteria covering areas of environmental management, social responsibility and raising awareness on sustainability. To obtain the award, the applicant has to send in the application and have an onsite audit, and the desicion is always third-party verified. The award is received for one year at a time.

Having a Green Key award indicates that conference facilities and hotels have high sustainability standards, providing a recognizable symbol for event planners. As the CSR policies of event planners often include using sustainably managed event venues and accommodations, the cooperation between Green Key and Eventplanner facilitates the work of these organisers. 

The partnership now makes it easy to identify environmentally responsible venues by using Eventplanner’s venue search engine. Green Key regularly provides a list of its awarded establishments, and the venues are highlighted on Eventplanner’s websites with the Green Key logo., and are the largest communities for eventplanners in Belgium, The Netherlands and the World, providing not only a search engine for venues and organisers, but also publishing news, tips and trends in the event industry.