Green Key partners with Greener Guest to help businesses source ethical and sustainable hospitality supplies

Green Key partners with Greener Guest as they aim to bring together the worlds’ largest marketplace exclusively for ethical and sustainable hospitality supplies.

Greener Guest is an online store which supplies hospitality businesses with ethical and sustainable items and arms them with the information they need to transform the sustainability of their operations.

Next to their online shop, Greener Guest provides advice, tips and information regarding sustainable actions to reduce single-use plastic, whilst providing a variety of products with transparent descriptions. This provides a practical solution for hospitality organisations in order to be more conscious of the products they purchase whilst also being able to save time and money. Examples of informed decision-making include being aware of where materials and products are sourced from, how products and packaging can be appropriately disposed of and being aware of the rights of the workers in the supply chain. 

Greener Guest do not see themselves as solely an e-commerce platform for sustainable products, as they also consistently encourage their users to review their purchasing behaviour and to consider implementing more efficient processes instead of using products to prevent unnecessary waste. Additionally, they offer a knowledge hub with downloadable resources e.g. standard operating procedure templates which businesses can use to switch from single-use to reusable products.

Green Key is proud to partner with Greener Guest as we hope to implement sustainability into hospitality businesses together. Similarly Greener Guest states:

“Greener Guest are delighted to be partnering with Green Key and look forward to sharing our expertise and insight with members through a series of webinars and by offering special discounts on loads of great products across our site”.

For more information, please visit their website at: