Green Key accredited Marriott hotel outlines their current sustainable practices and links with the net-zero campaign

The general manager Mr. Franco Vella of the Sheraton Tel Aviv hotel in Israel shares his experience implementing sustainable practices throughout the hotel and how this supports the recently announced Marriott Net-Zero campaign.

What influence will the net-zero target have for your hotel (which changes do you foresee and when)?

We are already doing a lot of eco-conscious initiatives in the hotel, so this is a continuation for us as we are not starting from the bottom. In 2017 we started renovations to become more sustainable; this included changing all the pipe-works so there is no loss of energy if the pipes were old or damaged, plus changing windows to keep heat in. Additionally, we changed to IPM to reduce our consumption of electricity so it is sourced from cleaner methods. Furthermore installing VRF units to use air-conditioning exclusively in areas where it is needed to control the consumption. As well as installing energy-efficient lighting throughout the whole building which has been converted but also to ensure replacements are done to continue being eco-conscious. We also utilise solely already generated fuel for our hot water needs as we try to use the heat generated from air conditioning. Our kitchen equipment has begun to be adapted into more energy-efficient and this will be finalised by the end of the year. 

How can your work with Green Key support the net-zero target?

Green key is very important to us, Green Key advocates to ensure we are always improving our efforts and continuing to make environmentally conscious endeavours. We have stopped including guest utilities in bathrooms and our suppliers do not use any single-use plastics, to ensure the item inside is still sustainable and not plastic and rather a tear box is used to confirm to the guest the product has not been used previously for Covid-19 reasons. We have likewise eliminated plastic water bottles and instead are using glass bottles which we send back to a partner organisation to be refilled. A new project we are working on involves the installation of electric scooters which are run through an app that allows guests to take a tour and so the guests will not use public transport but the tour can take them to areas which large bus tours usually cannot reach. 

As a result of working with the net-zero target, what differences will guests experience at your hotel and how will the local community be involved?

As previously mentioned, this is a continuous process for us, a priority is also that we try to minimise the impact on the guest. With the introduction of glass water bottles, the guests initially complained about not receiving a plastic bottle, however as we explained our reasoning and the importance of the change they understood and were fine with it. We think it is important to inform and try to change the guest's habits and perspective, the guests appreciate the changes we make and know this will be a positive impact on the environment.

We also sell any unused furniture which is in good condition and is sold to community centres so people with different needs are still able to utilise the furniture. An example is that we donated a substantial amount of furniture to an organisation looking after soldiers with PTSD so they can gather together. This also helps the hotel as the furniture which is sold to larger companies, the funds received from the sale is used to assist their associates if they are dealing with any difficulties. 

For more information contact: National Operator for Israel;