Green Key’s partner ACT.Global provides the hospitality industry with a long-term and sustainable disinfection solution that helps combat COVID-19 by significantly reducing the risk of contamination on surfaces while also decomposing common pollutants from the air.
Premium Purity™ ATP sampling, source:
It is well established that the COVID-19 crisis has had a dramatic effect on the hospitality industry. Several countries are starting to lift the bans and trying to return to normal. Yet the question remains: Will guests and staff feel comfortable re-inhabiting hotels shared by others who could potentially be sick?
To restore confidence among their guests and staff, hotels have to be proactive and document that they are taking all necessary measures to give their guests a comfortable and safe experience.
ACT.Global offers a way of providing protection that does not involve the use of toxic bleach or other potentially harmful chemicals. They call this solution Premium Purity™.
Real-life cases from the cruise industry show a 50% reduction in gastrointestinal and respiratory outbreaks as well as a significant reduction in the use of toxic chemicals, water, and plastic related to the cleaning process.
By implementing Premium Purity™, hotels can welcome back staff and guest to a low-microbial establishment where all surfaces treated are transformed from being passive to active players in the fight against COVID-19. In fact, with Premium Purity™ establishments can in full certainty claim that they are healthier and safer than most private homes.
Premium Purity™ consists of ACT CleanCoat™ and the ACT ECA System™ combined with ACT Consulting and Monitoring.
Evaluated effective against COVID-19
ACT CleanCoat™ is a surface treatment based on an advanced technology that decomposes harmful microbes such as bacteria, viruses, airborne mold spores, and chemical compounds such as VOCs and NOx.
The coating is transparent, odorless, and can be applied to all types of surfaces. When exposed to normal light, a photocatalytic reaction decomposes microbes and purifies the air.
The recognised German lab, Dr Brill + Partner GmbH have tested ACT CleanCoat™ and conclude:
Therefore, after successful experiments with three non-enveloped viruses, ACT CleanCoat™ is also effective against the so-called blood-borne viruses including HBV, HCV and HIV as well as against members of other virus families such as orthomyxoviridae (incl. all human and animal influenza viruses like H5N1 and H1N1), coronaviridae (MERS-CoV) and filoviridae, including Ebola virus.
ACT CleanCoat™ is effective for up to one year and continually disinfects all surfaces and cleans the air - all it takes is normal light.
The coronavirus causes fever and respiratory symptoms. According to WHO, the virus can spread in the following ways:
People can catch Covid-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with Covid-19 who coughs, sneezes or otherwise exhales droplets.
People can also catch Covid-19 by touching objects or surfaces contaminated with the virus, then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth. Tests show the coronavirus can remain active on surfaces for several days.
ACT CleanCoat™ increases the decomposition of the virus on coated surfaces; In other words, ACT CleanCoat™ protects against cross-contamination of the infection via surfaces.
ACT ECA System - for daily cleaning
The ACT ECA System™ is the sustainable alternative to conventional cleaning with harsh detergents.
ECA means electro-chemically activated. It is a process in which water and salt are run through a cell and create a mild cleaning liquid. With an ACT ECA Pro Generator, you can produce pH-neutral and environmentally friendly ACT ECA Water on site.
ACT ECA Water replaces all conventional cleaning detergents - and by doing so helps to significantly reduce the use of toxic chemicals, water, and plastic.
Reaching your targets
An essential part of Premium Purity™ includes collecting, tracking, and supplying clients with relevant hygiene data and reports to ensure the established targets are achieved.
A feature story from ACT.Global