Green Key — Green Key partners with green care PROFESSIONAL to promote sustainable solutions in washing and cleaning

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Green Key partners with green care PROFESSIONAL to promote sustainable solutions in washing and cleaning

To seek further carbon footprint reduction in the hospitality industry and to bring green innovation to its members, Green Key partnered with green care PROFESSIONAL in the field of sustainable cleaning and washing.

Frank Vancraeyveld, CEO of the Werner + Mertz Professional divison with the carbon savings tool and the company mascot_.jpg

The “eco-brand with the frog” and Green Key want to put the resource savings potential of daily cleaning in rooms, laundry and kitchen into the focus and minds of Green Key establishments around the world.

green care PROFESSIONAL is one of the leading brand for sustainable professional cleaning products with EU Ecolabel and Cradle-to-Cradle® product certifications.

All products provide the highest eco-efficiency and performance and lower the environmental footprint by using 100% recycled packaging and regional organic raw materials. At a carbon savings tool with a selection of all green cleaning products shows how much plastics, crude oil and CO2 an establishment can save – just by chosing a circular designed product, where re-use, recycling, renewable energies and materials are in focus.

“In future, we hope that our concrete carbon savings certification is used by the Green Key establishments. The aim is to follow the idea of the Foundation for Environmental Education to educate owners and guests about the value of a true circular economy”, says Frank Vancraeyveld, CEO of Werner & Mertz Professional – the manufacturer behind the ecological brand.

“Not only is global pollution a problem and climate change anyone’s concern – it will also destroy the business foundation of touristic businesses around the world – nature – if not tackled now”, he adds.

The German based manufacturer of cleaning chemicals has a reputation of being a pioneer of Circular Economy for a long time – and translates that also into a sustainable success for its customers: Using 100% recycled plastics bottles and regional organic raw materials, 70 green care PROFESSIONAL products are eco-labelled and 40 Cradle-to-Cradle® certified – the leading international label for circular product design. 

Frank Vancraeyveld: “With our approach we want to help customers of ours secure access in green markets and focus on real customer value. The whole world is talking about circular economy as a concept and is looking for solutions. We have these already, now we put them into the hands of the customers to make it their business advantage. We support and prepare businesses for a market shift towards a true circular economy, fueled by global developments, policy changes and regulatory demands.”

The carbon savings tool at is approved by external environmental auditors of INTECHNICA Cert GmbH (EMAS, ISO 50001, ISO 14001).

Find out more about sustainability in professional cleaning at

In many European countries, the Werner & Mertz group is also well known for its sustainable consumer brands “Frosch” and “Rainette”.
