Green Key continues to be the main eco-label partner of Radisson Hotel Group

The 2017 Responsible Business Report of the Radisson Hotel Group highlights that with more than 220 Green Key awarded hotels, Green Key is the main eco-labelling partner of the company

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Radisson highlights Green Key as one of the largest hospitality certifiers in the world, and Green Key enjoys a global reputation with more than 2,700 hotels and accommodation venues in 56 countries in 2017. Hotels with the Green Key eco-label comply with more than 100 sustainability criteria covering energy management, waste control, water usage, and social responsibility, which includes reducing of energy and water consumption, installation of eco-friendly lighting in at least 75% of the property, treating of wastewater, and separating waste and recycling a maximum amount of waste.

At the end of 2017, a total of 294 Radisson hotels (or 80%) across Europe, Middle East and Africa have received eco-labels, but the target is to have 100% of the hotels eco-labelled.

Inge Huijbrechts, Global Senior Vice-President – Responsible Business and Safety & Security, says: “For Radisson Hotel Group, external confirmation of their hotels’ environmental performance is a real opportunity. Eco-labels provide an independent third-party onsite audit of each hotel’s practices and actions to protect the environment. We are happy that more than 220 Radisson hotels achieved the Green Key eco-label in 2017.”
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The Responsible Business Report of Radisson Hotel Group highlights the three sustainability pillars of the company:

Think people: Radisson highlights their Balanced Leadership initiative that continues to build momentum towards gender equality and development of female talent and that the company continue to lead on fighting modern slavery.

Think community: More than 32,000 volunteer hours were donated by Radisson employees and €1.0 million were donated to charity. The towel reuse program at Radisson Blu hotels helped to provide safe drinking water for life to more than 17,500 children.

Think planet: Radisson hotels have per m2 saved 8% in energy and 3% in water since 2016. For the period 2018-2022, Radisson aims for an additional 10% reduction in carbon, energy and water. By the end of 2017, 40 hotels use 100% renewable energy.

The full 2017 Responsible Business Report of the Radisson Hotel Group can be downloaded HERE. Radisson’s cooperation with Green Key is mentioned on page 54 and the list of eco-labelled hotels can be found on page 61-62.

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