has launched the SME Travel Tool

The online booking and travel agency,, has recently established an online tool for small and medium enterprises to motivatebusiness travelers to give preference to green accommodation.


The new booking tool aims to increase eco-friendly choices among customers of small and medium enterprises. The platform integrates accommodations with verified and evidence based indicators at the best price. has more than 1.4 million accommodations available in 60,000 destinations.

The booking tool promotes various CSR principles such as fairness and equality, respect for nature and environment, respect for local traditions and local economy. All accommodations that are eco-certified and socially repsonsible receive the “staygreencheck” mark that allows companies to select the greenest choice, and Green Key is among the ecolabels with the highest extent of the “staygreencheck” compliance.

Another way to check accommodations’ sustainability at is to see their calculated carbon footprint, done through a statistical formula is based on the actual output of direct electricity consumption of accommodations and the country-specific energy production.

The SME Travel Tool can be used as part of the CSR policy for businesses suggesting them to include green travel scores to their yearly reporting.

Green Key is actively cooperating with, and Green Key encourages all companies to use this tool in order to contribute towards more sustainable world.