Educational Green Day at Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa

On 4 May 2017, a Green Day took place at Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa in Estonia to raise awareness on important environmental issues among the employees as well as give an overview of Green Key activities.

Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa and Green Key

Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa has Green Key, an international environmental label awarded to accommodation establishments following the principles of a sustainable economy. Accommodation can be selected according to various criteria: it can be the price, location and more. When the essential needs are met, some people also consider reducing their ecological footprint. With Green Key, we want to educate our visitors on how to create the harmony between quality, comfort and eco-friendly.

The sustainable way of thinking is followed in every activity of Vihula Manor. We use ground source heating and solar energy, we have diminished the consumption of water and electricity and we also ask our guests to behave in an environment-friendly way and suggest them active movement in nature for vacationing. In addition, proper gardening products are grown in the garden of Vihula Manor for the kitchen of the hotel’s restaurant and eco-SPA, an eco-farm is opened with lambs, rabbits and chickens.

Green Day

The day started out with an informative lecture for all the employees about Green Key. Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa views and new development plan were introduced in connection with the renewal of Green Key brand. In addition, different changes were introduced that Vihula Manor has done to reduce the ecological footprint. Workgroups were formed to brainstorm ideas on how to collect and sort different types of waste in different departments and houses at Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa.

In the second part of the day, employees visited a very popular Seven Bridges walking path and it turned out that even the people who have worked the longest at Vihula Manor haven’t walked the trail before. It was a positive and new experience for all the participants. During the walk, different questions about the history of the manor, bridge names and Green Key were asked. Green Day ended with a lunch where all the important topics were summed up. Also, thoughts for the next Gren Day were collected!

Find more information about Green Key at Vihula Manor Country Club & Spa