EKOenergy for the hospitality sector

Green Key's partner, EKOenergy launches a new campaign to introduce EKOenergy certified renewable energy to businesses in the hospitality sector

EKOenergy is the only international ecolabel for renewable energy. It is an initiative of 45 environmental organisations from 35 countries.

With its newest campaign, EKOenergy wants to encourage the hospitality sector to improve their sustainability score and switch to EKOenergy.

Green Key also suggests green energy, therefore EKOenergy wants to help tourism establishments fulfill this requirement and do even more. Because EKOenergy not only guarantees 100% renewable and environmentally friendly energy due to set environmental criteria, it also supports new renewable energy projects and ecological restoration through its Climate and Environmental Funds.

In addition, international standards such as CDP and Greenhouse Gas Protocol recommend EKOenergy, and switching to EKOenergy can score you extra points with LEED.

A growing number of hotels in Europe have already switched to EKOenergy and include the EKOenergy logo in their communication with their guests. Follow their lead and go the extra mile. For more information go to www.ekoenergy.org.