El Gran Sueño, first B&B awarded with Green Key in Asturias, Spain

El Gran Sueño is a 5 room small accommodation for adults surrounded by mountains and green fields. They are committed to UN's Sustainable Development Goals, especially to the goals concerning "responsible consumption & production" and "climate action"

Some of the actions they are taking include:

Waste Management

They have been lobbying towards the local council to ensure more local recycling points so that the neighbours to the B&B can also recycle their waste.

Sensible and sustainable use of land

El Gran Sueño is planning to increase the number of fruit trees and add a vegetable garden with fruits and vegetables. By doing so the B&B aims at making better use of the land and increase the sustainability by reducing the need to purchase fruits and vegetables from suppliers.

Continue to buy energy for a 100% renewable energy company

The B&B buys electricity from Gesternova, a company that is committed to produce electricity from 100% renewable energy.

Long-term development of new self-production of energy

The future development plan includes the expansion of their own self-generating electricity capability by installing solar panels and a back-up Tesla battery system.

Research  supply chain

The establishment has an active environmental policy choosing suppliers carefully after researching their commitment to sustainable activities. Where possible, El Gran Sueño aims to educate its supply chain about the policies and commitments of the establishment.