Green Key at the international conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Ahmedabad, India

Between 16-18 September, FEE's Indian member organisation CEE (Centre for Environmental Education) hosted an international conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Ahmedabad, India. Green Key International was invited to talk about tourism eco-labels and their value in ESD.

Subsequent to the General Assembly of the Foundation for Environmental Education, The FEE head office as well as the FEE members were invited to participate in the international conference on Education for Sustainable Development at the campus of CEE India. The three days of conference were filled with different workshops and plenaries mainly focusing on ESD for transforming education for children and youth.

Together with the International Blue Flag Director, International Green Key Assistant Isabel Lissner gave a presentation on tourism eco-labels and their value in ESD. The focus of the presentation was on the educational value of Blue Flag and Green Key both for tourists and the applicants.