Grow IN Green!

Green Key awarded "IN Hotel Belgrade" from Serbia participates in the World Environment Day.

During 10 years of existence, IN Hotel Belgrade was aware that a hotel of their size effects environment significantly, so they gave their best efforts in trying to minimize this effect by caring of comfort of the guests, and at the same time, preserving nearby nature.

In honour of the World Environment Day on 5 June, the Green Team led by the General Manager, organised planting action in order to make green areas around hotel even greener and to reduce necessity of air-conditioning and support the planet with CO2 compensation efforts.

In order to mark this day and raise awareness in taking positive environmental action, IN Hotel Belgrade enriched their Sunday brunch offer with an "eco-friendly station" of special selected organic food. At their great pleasure, the hotel was honoured with supportive presence of the Green Key national operator from Serbia, the Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development.