Carbon footprint tool available on Green Key website

Green Key International is proud to present their new carbon footprint tool for hotels on the Green Key website. 

The tool allows hotels or other types of accommodation to calculate their carbon footprint.  The carbon calculation follows the “Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative” (HMCI) tool developed by the International Tourism Partnership (ITP). Currently, more than 21,000 hotels have already been calculating their carbon calculation footprint using the HCMI tool.

By comparing your results with those of other similar establishments you can assess how you’re doing relative to your peers and competitors. Those insights will enable you to identify areas of strength within your establishment so you can take steps to maintain your advantages, as well as spot areas of opportunity where you can make improvements. That is why the International Tourism Partnership (ITP) has developed a bench-marking system where you can compare your results with the average carbon footprint (per room, per occupied room or per m2) of similar establishments in your area. The link is available on the Green Key website.  

Check out the new tool here