Green Key Netherlands and WearEver launch first 100% renewable suits at Green Key Award Ceremony 2016

On 4 February 2016 Green Key Netherlands welcomed 640 establishments at the annual Green Key award ceremony. At the ceremony the new label WearEver presented their collection of 100% recyclable suits for men and women. 

Green Key site owner receives certificate from Green Key Chairman Derk Jan Verstand surrounded by models from WearEver. 

Green Key site owner receives certificate from Green Key Chairman Derk Jan Verstand surrounded by models from WearEver. 

Green Key site owners from all over the Netherlands gathered at the Green Key awarded animal park Apenheul in Appeldoorn to receive their award and celebrate their environmental  achievements. The grand finale of the day was a fashion show launching the new line of 100% recyclable  corporate clothes for men and women from the new label WearEver.

The founders of the circular corporate wear brands, Persu and Dutch Awearness, joined forces and designed a high quality collection of suits for men and women. The suits are made from Infinity, a 100% polyester fabric that feels like premium wool. Infinity is 100% renewable. Thanks to the use of a circular system there is no waste, 50% reduction of water and 20 % reduction of energy consumption to produce the suits. Through their own track and trace system for circular economy, Circula Content Management System, Dutch Awareness checks if the circle is really closed. Dutch Awareness is also responsble of making the recycled clothes into new cororate wear.

Erik van Dijk, Green Key national operator: ‘Green Key Netherlands is very happy with this innovation. We see that more and more participants of the programme are really focusing on ‘sustainability and are searching for products to help them with this.’