Green Key Flanders trains next generation hotel managers about Sustainability

A college for hotel and catering management in Antwerp, Belgium, invited the Green Key national operator of Flanders to give a guest lecture about sustainable hotel management.

Contact between Green Key and the Antwerp College for Hotel and Catering Management was established at a network event organised by the Antwerp Hotel Association where Miriam van Loon, the Green Key national operator, gave a presentation about Green Key. During a conversation with a lecturer from the Hotel Management College, it became clear that although there is a special sub-category of study about sustainable management, the general programme doesn’t offer any courses on sustainability.

Therefore, Miriam van Loon was invited to give a four-hour introduction lecture for all Bachelor students at the Antwerp College for Hotel and Catering Management. The lecture covered sustainability in general sustainable tourism and hotel management with practical examples from Green Key. The lecture ended with a workshop on the ‘creation of a sustainable holiday experience’.

As this lecture was a great success, the cooperation will continue in the coming years.