Green Key Best Practice Competition 2018!

Green Key is running its Best Practice Competition from 20th April (FEE's Global Action Day!) to 15th August 2018. Please send us your best practice story and be in with a chance to become Green Key's Sustainability Champion 2018!

The topic for this year's Best Practice Competition is: 


We would like to read about any activities, initiatives and practices you have that inform your guests about your environmental and social work or that involve them actively to contribute to your sustainability ambitions!

What does that mean?

Informing guests - For example, do you ask your guests to reuse their towels and sheets in a creative or innovate way? Do your guests learn where the food on their plates comes from? Do you help your guests to explore the surroundings responsibly? Are your guests becoming experts in recycling during their stay? 

We would like to read the best stories about how establishments inform their guests about their sustainability initiatives. This could be about initiatives carried out in the establishment as well as about relevant sustainability issues and activities in the immediate surroundings of the establishment. 


Involving guests - For example, are your guests invited to join beach cleanups or reforestation projects? Maybe they pick their own fruits and vegetables from your garden? Are your guests rewarded if they save water during their stay? Do you offer a candle light dinner to save energy? Do you put an extra focus on sustainable transportation?

If your guests are actively involved in your sustainability work and are encouraged to act responsibly during their stay, we would like to read more about your story! Active involvement could take place in the establishment itself or in the immediate surroundings. 


How can I enter the competition?

·      Don't forget to upload at least three pictures

·      Alternatively, upload a video (3 minutes max.)

·      Maximum word count for the text 300

·      Texts and videos have to be submitted in English

·      Submissions are open from 20th April 2018 12:00 (CEST) to 15th August 2018 12:00                   (CEST)

·      Only Green Key certified sites can take part in the competition

·      The winner will be informed by e-mail and announced on the Green Key website and                      through social media during the World Tourism Day, 27th September 2018.


What can I win?

The winner receives our "Green Key Sustainability Champion Plaque" and will be featured on our Best Practice Competition website to be published after the winner has been announced. See our previous winners here


Background of this year's Best Practice Competition

The theme relates to SDG 12 “responsible consumption and production” to ensure “sustainable consumption and production patterns". Not only does Green Key help consumers to identify responsible tourism establishments, but certified establishments also have to inform their guests about sustainable practices during their stay. Furthermore, Green Key certified establishments are encouraged to engage their guests in their sustainability actions through activities, events, rewards etc.

Read more about Green Key's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals here
