Green Key — #GreenKeyCares

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The world is in the grip of COVID-19, and tourism is undoubtedly one of the industries that has been hit hardest by the pandemic. Green Key feels strong empathy with all affected establishments and wants to use its network to share best practices, inspiration and hope.

Click on the image to download the info graphic

Click on the image to download the info graphic

Only a few weeks ago, nobody would have thought it possible that the whole travel industry would be put on pause. And yet, we find ourselves in this surreal situation where a holiday, a business trip or even a visit to friends and family has become something unobtainable. While most travellers #stayathome, cancel their longed-for trips and daydream about their next holiday someday in the future, tourism businesses fight to survive until they are able to welcome guests again.

We at Green Key know that many of our awarded establishments are struggling too, and we understand that their work towards sustainability is either not possible or not the highest priority at the moment. However, issues like climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss are not taking a break during the pandemic, and they will be more relevant than ever when we go back to ‘business as usual’.

Therefore, to encourage our awarded establishments to stay in the Green Key programme, we have made a plan of action to maintain your award during the crisis while still ensuring the highest sustainability standards. If you are an awarded establishment and would like to know what that means for your current Green Key award, please contact your National Operator or Green Key International.

Furthermore, Green Key International has gathered some tips on how you can sustain your business during and after the crisis. You can download the info graphic here: COVID-19 tips.

In addition, Green Key International has launched the #GreenKeyCares campaign to share best practices and the great stories of solidarity in our network. We were touched to see that so many businesses, though they are struggling themselves, are still spreading hope and supporting their local communities.

If you have a similar story to tell or if you have any helpful tips for other tourism businesses that you would like to share, please contact us or use our hashtag #GreenKeyCares on social media.

Let’s use the power of the Green Key network to support each other in these difficult times.

Take care and be safe,

The Green Key International Team