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Guest Information - Best practices

KolleKolle – more than 20 years of Green Key history

The KolleKolle conference hotel located just 16 kilometers from Copenhagen, Denmark is looking back on a long journey of sustainability. But their ambitions never stop. 

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Auberge de Jeunesse de Namur - local hot spot for outdoor activities and sustainability supporters

The youth hostel in Namur, Belgium offers both guests and locals many opportunities to discover the surrounding natural areas and enjoy local products and services. 

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Elite Hotel Ideon Lund in Sweden prioritises environmental and social responsibility

Green Key certified Elite Hotel Ideon Lund has modern sustainability standards in addition to effortlessly working with more ways to upgrade its commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

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Original Sokos Hotel Helsinki – a champion in sustainability communication!

Information to hotel guests about its environmental engagement and the encouragement to participate in the efforts is a matter of priority for Green Key certified Original Sokos Hotel Helsinki in Finland!

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Aloft Brussels Schuman rewards guests for making green choices

At Aloft Brussels Schuman, a 3-stars hotel, Green Key certified since 2011 and located near the EU institutions in Brussels, has a revolutionary programme that not only saves resources but also rewards guests for joining in minimizing the consumption.

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Zaton Holiday Resort in Croatia involves guests in their sustainable actions

Zaton Holiday Resort in Croatia has been a Green Key certified hotel for less than two years and already has a very impressive list of educational projects to raise environmental awareness among their guests. One of these initiatives got awarded with a 3rd place in the Green Key Best Practice competition. 

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Cronwell Inn Stremyannaya Hotel encourages its guests to have an environmentally friendly stay

The Green Key certified Cronwell Inn Stremyannaya Hotel has produced an environmental booklet informing its guests about the environmental initiatives of the hotel encouraging the guests to join the movement. 

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